Saturday, October 12, 2024

How Bhagwan Vishnu broke the pride of Narad muni

 किस प्रकार से नारद मुनि का घमंड भगवान श्री हरि विष्णु ने तोड़ा । इसे पढ़ने के लिए अंग्रेजी कथा के नीचे स्क्रॉल डाउन करे। 

Once Narad went to Kailash to visit Bholenath Shiv.

“Narayan! Narayan!” chanted Narad and offered his greetings to the lord Shiva and goddess Parvati.

“How are you; Narad? “ asked lord Shiva.

Narad said” I am fine Bhagwan!”

Then goddess Parvati asked him “You are looking very happy today. Is this happiness due to something special?”

“ Mother! It's just your and lord Shiva's blessings and Bhagwan Vishnu's bhakti that I am able to be happy all the time. I have no task but to keep chanting the name of my Aradhya deva Shree Hari Vishnu all the time. This gives me immense pleasure and makes me happy always.” answered Narad.

Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati nodded and smiled.

Nandi was also present there and hearing the conversation. He said to lord Shiva and goddess Parvati ”Prabhu Narad is truly the biggest devotee of Bhagwan Vishnu as he keeps on chanting his name. All the devotees of the world must emulate him. He must be dearest to Bhagwan Vishnu.”

Hearing this Narad became very happy and left after taking permission from the lord Mahadev and goddess Parvati.

Narad was roaming here and there in the universe chanting Narayan! Narayan!. He was smiling all the way and thinking about Nandi's praise “biggest devotee, dearest bhakt” heaped on him.

Narad felt really very proud of himself. He couldn't resist and decided to visit Bhagwan Vishnu's abode.

Narad went to Vaikuntha, the lord's abode. He paid his greetings to the lord of the universe and goddess Lakshmi.

Bhagwan Vishnu welcomed Narad asked the purpose of his visit.

Narad said “ Narayan! Narayan! Pranam Prabhu! If you allow may I ask you a question?

Bhagwan Vishnu said that he was his devotee and he could ask him anything.

Narad asked him” Narayan! Narayan! Who is your biggest devotee in this universe, Prabhu?”

Bhagwan Vishnu said” I don't do any discrimination among my devotees. All are equal and same for me.”

Narad didn't expect this as he thought himself to be his biggest bhakt. “There must be someone whom you consider to be your biggest bhakt. Please tell me, Prabhu ” frowned Narad.

Listening to his harping on about the same Bhagwan Vishnu said” Though I don't make any distinction in the treatment of any of my devotees, but since you are insisting me to tell you about my biggest or dearest devotee, I would like to name one of my devotees from the earth as one.”and showed Narad him on earth. He was a farmer who just chanted lord's name thrice a day.

“How could he be your biggest devotee? Why is he dearest to you? He remembers you only just three times a day while I keep on chanting your name day and night without any break.” argued Narad.

“You are questioning my judgement , Narad. No doubt he is dearest to me and my biggest devotee.” answered Shree Hari Vishnu.

Heavy hearted and pained Narad then sought his permission to leave. Bhagwan Vishnu smiled and said” Would you do me a favour before leaving?”

Narad happily said” I will be more than happy if I could be of some help. What do I have to do , Prabhu?”

Shree Hari Vishnu handed over him a bowl brimming with milk and said” Narad, carrying this brimming bowl, take a revolution around the earth. Make sure even a single drop of milk must not fall from it.”

Narad left carrying the bowl. He put all his effort to avoid the spillage of the milk while taking a revolution around the earth. Somehow he accomplished his difficult task successfully and returned to Vaikuntha happily.

Bhagwan Vishnu asked “ Have you completed the task as directed? Narad replied delightedly” Yes lord! I took the revolution around the earth carrying the bowl in my hand and didn't let the milk drop from the bowl.”

“ How many times did you remember me while you are doing the job assigned to you?” asked lord Vishnu.Narad answered sheepishly “ Not even once. But I was doing my job assigned by you.”

Bhagwan Vishnu said “ The farmer on the earth who is dearest to me also does his job which is assigned to him by me only. He not only works hard and accomplishes his job honestly and virtuously but chants my name too as and when time permits. Chanting my name does not matter but accomplishing ones job does. You couldn't spare a moment to remember me but he remembers me thrice while accomplishing his job. He is surely dearest to me, isn't he?”

Narad regretted his ignorance and bowed down to his lotus feet thanked the lord of the universe for teaching him a lesson by hitting at his arrogance.

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