From 50 odd districts in 2004 when UPA took over power, Naxalism is now active in 220 districts and 20 states are affected. The so called Red Corridor and other areas are spread over 92,000 Sq Km or nearly 40% of India!
Naxalism is pure and simple TERRORISM, which disguises itself with terms like "class struggle" and "social justice"
So Is the Govt wrong in attacking the Poor Victimized Maoist? Read on and decide emphatically. In this case there can be no Grey- Only Black or White.
The Naxals do not believe in Indian Democracy and want to overthrow it by 2050.
If they really feel that people are with them- we dare them to fight elections and truly help the people if they win. Will this challenge be accepted?
The Prime Minister Dr Man Mohan Singh has said that the recent brutal killing of policemen, blowing up railway tracks and burning of vehicles by the Naxalites cannot be equated to terrorism! What else do you require to qualify for a label like Terrorists? It’s very immature of a national leader to say something like this instead of coming down heavily with an iron hand against all those who take up arms and hold the machinery to ransom?
Mr P.M. you say something say something sitting in heavily guarded chambers in the capital and it’s the poor front line police constables and the security forces who bear the brunt of the brutal attacks and make their families suffer silently. The Government on their part consoles the families by sending a Wreath and announcing some relief!
The attack on a The Eastern Rifles Camp in Bengal by the Naxals, which killed 19 jawans was perhaps a grim reminder on the vicious determination of these home grown terrorists to overthrow the institution called democracy and usher in a mob rule by 2050 in India. Yes, left-wing extremism is alive and kicking in rural India, but also as a kick in the face of those who now formulate policy in the ministry of home affairs.
Naxalites pose a challenge to India's democratic polity and rule of law; they pose an ideological threat that questions the legitimacy of the Indian State. Today they are perhaps more dangerous for us than even the Jihadi elements. The Jihadis are outsiders but these Naxals are very much our own people. Our own people, out to sadistically wound, maim and mutilate Mother India. And yes, if you thought that they were isolated, you are wrong. They get ideological support from many in the so called intellectual class of India, who are fast showing their true colours.
Naxals say they do not attack civilians and the troops are barbaric. So why are the forces and civilians the major casualty? The Killing fiends will perhaps laugh at this irony.
K P S Gill, who has battled many insurgencies, leading his men from the front, commented, it does not make sense to build roads and bridges which cannot be used for fear of death at the hands of Naxalites
The Government this time is determined under a determined Home Minister to fight the enemy, bullet for bullet. Operation Green Hunt has begun and for the first time, we have seen the determination of the state to use it’s might against the perpetrators of such heinous activities.
The placatory steps from 2004 to 2009 had emboldened these enemies of India. Many a times, the state and the central Governments bent themselves to accommodate them (example of Andhra is all before us) and to take their help in winning elections too. It is sad that many of our politicians would not hesitate to trade the Country for their personal benefits.
A Naxalite leader was famously quoted as saying: 'By going to the talks, we are not declaring any ceasefire... Talks are a part of our tactical line. Naxalism is not a problem: it is the solution.
India's intelligence agencies have evidence to prove that Naxalites are being used by Pakistan's ISI for drug-trafficking and pumping fake currency notes. In return, the ISI is providing the Naxalites with sophisticated weaponry and the know-how for making and using improvised explosive devices. Seized weapons and ammunition bear witness to this evidence.

Naxals set ablaze rest house in Gadchiroli:
ReplyDelete24 march - NAGPUR: A group of armed Maoists allegedly set afire a rest house of the British era in the Naxal-hit Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra, police said today.
Congress party and its leaders believe in divide and rule. This is what you get when you vote for a party headed by a third rate Italian leader. The council of ministers in the congress party are a bunch of jokers headed by a nice but useless individual called Dr.Man Mohan Singh. The P.M cannot take any decisions on his own without consulting the super P.M. and her worthless son. Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed his whole life to get us independence and now we are ruled by an Italian Lady. This is what you get when you vote for the congress party. This party has no control over price Rise, inflation, terrorism both from within and outside and has become a slave of the U.S. ms.Mamatha Bannergee is directly supporting the Maoists and Naxals and Congress is supporting her, which means the congress is supporting the Naxals and Maoists. Until and unless all of us come forward and eradicate the congress, this country will go to dogs.
ReplyDeleteI think Naxalism has grown out of the frustrations of deprived people in India. Lack of a job, lack of minimum living conditions, and mostly the insensitive response of the government machinery drive people into extremism, and madness. The wishy-washy attitude of the politicians and intelligentsia towards naxals have led to their enormous growth. The first priority of the government now must be a forceful eradication of this terrorist group in order to save the poor people from its grip. Side by side, the government must also pursue developmental activities in these area.
ReplyDeletecongress is mother of naxals , to some extent it same as isi and pakistani Govt are parents of terrorist outfits
1.Maoist attack state Govt machinery on plea that their tribal culture shold not be disturbed. but silent on Vetican missionaries who r converting their entire culture with western names & westrn Gods.Why ?
2.Maoist activities only in those state where state govt are anti CPI (bengal) chattisgarh bihar Madhya Pradesh (all Bjp)orrissa (BJd),karnataka .But become silent as congress grabs power in these state grabs.example maharastra &andhra.
3.In andhra. remember TDP rule An attack on chandra babu cars using landmine while returning from tirupati.But as congress came to power maoist activities stopped mysteriously (even without any talks)_ Why?
4.In andhra maoist were silent from last 5 years .But as congress got jolt on telagana issue. Maoist issue a letter that they support telangana(a non tribal area).Suddenly.Why?
5.Central govt says maoist gets money from china .Intrestigly why they are attacking CPM govt in bengal ( after CPI relation worsend with congress)who openly declear to be pro china.
6.Why naxalites dont attack vetican missionaries which are paving american lifestyle in tribal area.
7.Remember 5 years back in orrissa a saint who was reconverting tribals to their native tribal faith was murdered . After anti vetican riots, naxalites themself announce that they have killed him.Why ? Why they came in rescue of vetican missionaries Who were e alleged to be behind ?
ReplyDelete8.Kobad Gandhi,remember this name? .Just one day before maharashtra assembly elections,congress arrested him alleging as the chief of naxalite movement of India. Where is he now? ,Why congress govt could not reveal him .
a)names of other leaders
b)hide outs of arms
c)source of arms precurments & network
d)who are funding them.
No news ...strange? (Even from hordcore Kasab the pakistani terrorist of mumbai 26|11 case , the govt agencies have revealed information from him within 24 hours). Where is Kobad ghandy now?Not even shown in media like Kasab? Doesnt some thing fishy?.
9)Salwa jurum Remember this movement started by Chgattisgarh BJP Govt against maoist in which village people were selected & were given right to take action agaisnt maoist. This movement was succesful in wiping the entire maoist backbone in chattishgarh. But the central govt Congress went to supreme court & imposed a Legal stay on this movement. Why?
10)during Crpf deployment in the areas after attacks on their bengal camp.the Crpf officers alleged that they have not get orders from centre Govt to start operation. Thus they are sitting like lame ducks from last one years. Why congress is not ordering them Why?
a)Punjab : Bhinderwala started religious movement to wipe out the Akaali govt , which kill led its own leader indira
B)Uttar pradesh BSP was created by congress in 1986 created hatred between hindus to dent ramjanmabhoomi movement.
c)Bodoland movement against AGP govt in assam.(Why movement came silent silent now when congress came to power)
d)Gorkhaland,( WBengal) movement Remember they were silent from last 10 years in BJP govt & CPI- congress allience govt in centre.
e)Indian justice party,creating hatred between lowercaste hindus in Uttarpradesh (To cut mayawati votes who was once a congress dummy party but now had become main opposition of congress).
f))Raj thakrey, Dosnt need to tell whole story that who is funding him & against whom?a pawn to create hatred on regional basis cutting BJP shiv sena votes For Bihar elections.Everyt body knows that acers of kohinoor mills land in central bombay was given to him by state congress govt on just Rs ONE as lease for 99 years.thats why raj was silent on sharukh khan issue in IPL matches on POK participation
11) Finally two people as maoist leadesr koteshwar Rao ,alias kishen ji & deepak Telugu(never shown their faces in media.
some suspicions:
a)since both of them are telugu then why they are not active in andhra, why maoist suddenly stopped activities after chandra babu tdp regime
Namaskara . For God's sake visit the villages , especially those of eastern U.P.,and Bihar. Stay there for a few weeks , live life the deprived of the villages live. You will come to know the fact that all the high talks of ideologies, idealism, tvas and isms are absolutely meaning less there, unless there is some financial gain , or clever motivation from some paid agents ,no body will even listen to you honestly.Developmental funds are looted bynetas,bureaucrats,engineers and contractors, and ,indeed, by a few of their chosen ycophants. The poor will have to be convinced that there is some one in this tattered country who cares for them with out any interest.Clearly there are chances that Naxalism is viewed by haves as a problem, but as a solution by the havenots.Democracy to the poor of villages does bring some relief in terms of some doles during elections, but after elections who bothers about them ? The only solution appears to be sending some selfless people like Baba Ram Dev to the far flung villages to gain the confidence of the deprived, the cheated, and the robbed. In the heart of their hearts they know that their neta is a purchasable commodity, and after elections, if he or she wins,he or she would cost crores of rupees. If defeated, he or she may become a paid neta in some way or the other. It is true that those indulging in violence lack moral courage and high human values. They lack strength of character and genuine public support, hence they do not join electoral politics and ontest elections . Through elections they may rule the country and bring change.But our system will have to give guarantee that elections are fair, and free from the power of money and muscles. It is the question of winning trust, not purchasing it.Can some one do some thing to believe that politics is now no more a lucrative business? We must find the ways and means to retrieve ideologies from the bellies of careerist politicians . No body really seems to know which brand of religion is busy in befooling public for the gain of which political party. Market seems to have engulfed all our system.
ReplyDelete"....Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed his whole life to get us independence..."...Wrong. Let us get over this fiction about M K Gandhi winning India' independence through satyagraha.
ReplyDeleteLet us Indians stop believing in the fiction that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's non-violent movement was the only dynamic that forced the British to leave India.
There were several others ---
(1) The British public were tired of wartime hardships, including food rations, and were no more willing to share meagre resources with the task of maintenance of the empire -- they even voted out Churchill. There would have been little chance of the empire's demise if Churchill continued to be the British PM. (and, for the record, his successor Attlee, when once asked about MKG's contribution to his government's decision to leave India, replied with one word -- "Nothing!").
(2) The US led by Roosevelt, as the victor of WWII as well as "the upholder of freedom" was pressurising the UK to grant freedom to its colonies, esp. to India. This was the Americans' way of showing the British who was the new Superpower of the World.
(3) the system of Imperial Preferences, which allowed the transfer of wealth from the colonies to the UK through an elaborate systems of tarriffs, had to be dismantled as a condition of the US giving a GBP 5 billion loan to the UK to fund the UK's deficit (a bit like China is funding the US' deficit now). This took away the economic rationale of the empire. Since the British are a "Nation of Shopkeepers" according to Napoleon (ha ha!), this must have been a very solid argument to shut the imperial shop. This was done to help US companies get a foothold in the former empire.
(4) The Naval mutiny in Mumbai in 1946 proved that the British could not continue to take it for granted that they could rule India with the help of Indian soldiers as they had been doing since 1857 or thereabouts. This issue is always downplayed by the Kaangresis who want to live off the fiction of the Gandhi/Kaangrayce led independence struggle.
(5) The crumbling of the British empire's South Asian outposts in the face of Japanese assaults, aided by the INA, also exposed its Achilles heal.
(6) Finally, those quantitatively inclined might be interested to know that the number of Indians who participated in the Quit India movement never exceeded 1 lakh in a pre-partition population of 34 crore !!!. (some estimates made by Gandhians themselves are as low as 30,000.... Compare this with the 87,000 Indian soldiers who gave their lives in WWII (wikipedia) --- the numbers tell their own story.
There's enough archival material to show that these dynamics weighed heavily on the Brits' minds in the mid-to-late 1940s.
Let's stop deifying M K Gandhi --- his blind worship has done enough harm to India and continues to do so everyday by denying India a whole host of policy/strategic options in the domestic as well as international arena. It has tied 1.1 billion people down to the fetishes of one man.
Let us propagate the real history of India, not the Kangresi/JNU chicanery that passes off for history.
The naxals should use their power to bring back the black money stashed in foreign banks. the moment they pay attention to this subject i think our country's ill will be cured. they cannot bring any change by just killing poor hapless policemen. jaihind
ReplyDeleteYou are challenging the naxalites to fight elections. What are their chances of winning? Almost nil. It is not because they have no support to win even a single seat. It is more because in our present electoral system of democracy, there is no chance for any one to win unless he has a minimum of 10 crores per constituency. Or he should be a criminal supporting one of the political parties. We have seen the chances of poorer sections of society winning any election is becoming more and more difficult, if not impossible. Drastic electoral reforms are most important to restore faith in democracy even among patriots like us who are above poverty line. What to say of tribals and poor people? This is the condition that is being exploited by Naxalites.
ReplyDeleteA gang or group of people who do not believe in Democracy and the Constitutional method of submitting their grief to the Government. Naxalite activities must be stopped as early as possible by using sovereign forces, no talks now when a havy loss is cosed by the maoist gang. Their leaders should be naped at once and proper legal action should be taken against them in regional courts. The State Government must co-operate to the Central Government in solving the problem.
ReplyDelete1.The trend is not conducive to establish and maintain rule of law.
ReplyDelete2. If allowed to fester it will result in disintegration of the country.
3. Communists of all colours and shade incl maoists are anti nationals.
4. the antinatinals need to be crushed.
5. so where is the doubt?
Until and unless the Italian lady who does not know anything about India, its culture, its heritage etc is thrown out along with the dummy P.M and his cronies, the attack by Naxalites will not stop. We need a very very strong leader who can deal with a firm hand. If India has to prosper and become safe from these internal and external terrorists only mr.Narendra Modi can do it.
ReplyDeleteThe Naxalites, Bindrewalas, Muslim league are all the brain child of the congress party. Until and unless this congress party is wiped out we cannot expect any relief from the internal and external terrorists. You cannot expect any action from this congress party which is just a dummy and all decisions are taken by the Italian Lady and her worthless son.
ReplyDeleteAt the first sight the super PM is from a terrorist state and hence her state of mind will also be congruent to her brought up. Naxals are the second parasites to the society the prime being the politicians. No politician will work in letter and spirit and no top police officer will endeavour to wipe them out for obvious reasons. The district heads of the police will get sumptuous amount not to be submitted account to work against the outfit. They get the signatures from the subordinate officials who do collect within their reach therefore the police stations are busy during 7pm to 19 pm. When a lady chief minister Jayalalitha could wipe out LTTE after she ascended the power which fought for 3 decades in Srilanka the why the centre is silent precisely after good articulation by the HMs and some doles for the victims and this history has become repetitions for ever.To wipe out nazals we need another MGR/ Jalagam at the helm of affairs Vaidyanathan I Iyer
ReplyDeleteNaxals are fools who think that by killing poor CRP constables,who joined CRP as they could not find jobs,they are gaining public sympathy.They are as poor as naxals are.Naxals must fight the crooked and corrupt Industrialists,Bureaucrats and Politicians.Whole country will support them.
ReplyDeleteSince the time we gained our Freedom from the British Rule soem few years ago, the Congress led Government has been fooling we People of India.
ReplyDeleteI am very much disgusted with the way the congress is leading our country into a chaos & Remeber that the day is not far away when we would be ruled by Proxy from Rome.
It si very alraming to hear that Naxlas are in a position to overthrow our democraticaly elected Government.
May I ask Questions to all the like minded citizens of India.
1). Who is responsible for it?
2). Why did we all elected the same congress government again & again, inspite of knowing that it is the mostcorrupted government?
Will the like minded people of India be able to answer those questions.
We the people are to be blamed as we had for the past 60 years has elected the same party to power.
It is all the creation of the Congress & now it is sitting on its head.
First try to understand their problems & try to rectify & solve the Problems in a very systematic way so that the killings of our Brave jawans would be stop.
How is it that they are getting Arms & ammunitions & that too which our Armed Forces do not have?
My Humble Request to all the like minded people of India please do vote out the UPA & bring back the BJP led Government & then see the difference. The naxals meance would be stopped & would be wiped out.
Advani was the best Perosn to have been the current Home Minister, as he is not that corrupted like our Present Home Minister.
All the Congress Ministers are bowing down to a lady who is not even a Indian by Birth, she does not have any feelings toards India, her main motive is to make her own son Prime Minister & then rule over us from Rome.
If we do not have a Minister who is honest enough to wiped out the Naxals menance from the soil fo India tghen how are we going to find any peace.Thousands of people would get killed bt the Naxals & there wont be any security for the people of India.
Am I wrong if I have soft corner for those, who attack the 'system'?
ReplyDeleteI am a central employee retd in 1993. My honesty and uprightness heaped a lot of misery on me. My salary for 3 and 1/2 years and Gratuity Fund etc have not been paid so far. My pension has not been properly fixed. For correction of my seniority, I had to struggle from 1967 to 1992. Till to day I have contested 20 court cases and lost none but won only 2. Justice is eluding. I have been forced to waste my life since 93 till date and am in total shamble. Will anyone answer?
Answer to Ronnie Patel:
ReplyDeleteCongress is whale and it cannot be overthrown easily for,
The incorporated the Lambadas into tribe who are not at all tribes but a vote catching and keep alive their governance
They do not remove the creamy layers and allow other SCs/BCs to crop lest what they do now is the creamy layers will be kept as some leading politicians as sycophants and at times of election they will lure and catch vote for the congress. Hence the motive of reservation is derailed.
They coax the muslims as the latter think that the congress is their god father
The congress is a bunch of fools to have only one leader under whom they work. As the same pole will not attract, no two intelligent will unite hence the disease with BJP.
The congress will announce freebies and percolate the tax money for its selfish end. No developmental work be carried out.It is vicariously a corruption.Thus the list is illustrative but not exhaustive.
Mr. Ramesh Nigam,
ReplyDeleteYou have posted your grievance in a wrong column since it gives an impression that when your whole life is frittered owing to democracy, the naxalism is flourishing. Somewhere you had derailed and to put in right track you should have hit in right angle.
When we say Congress, We are talking about a huge bunch of people, It is not congress, nor BJP nor any other in Party in India... whom we could blame or appraise for any act happened or will be taking place in future, it is about indivisuals .... the indivisuals who has power...... so it is us who need to decide which Indivisual(Leader)to elect and while electing the Leader, I request my educated brothers and sisters of India to spread the word of determing how to choose your leader:
ReplyDeleteThese are the following steps to know, whom to select:
1. Look out for the eductaion level
2. Look out for the service history (It should be non-corrupted and devoted towards the service and welfare of citizens Insted of own pocket)
3. Look out for the Ideology the leader supports, how he see's the things are happening and how he'd like to shape them in future.
4. Look out for the character credentials (should not be a criminal in any sense)
Once we find out such type of leaders, it is us who need to make a DAM of such leaders all across our states against the Forces of insurgents and people who think that they are above our consititution.
And please please when you find such leaders, ask them to demolish the class / creed reservation system, because that is the major contributor of breaking back bone of India. And Thank you all for being so open and Interactive.
Naxalism is not a policy, it is not a political party, as it was born out of anger against landlords who treated the peasants and workers as slaves. As no remedy was in sight for their plight and started killing landlords in Naxalbari village of W.Bengal. Now, the Chinese backed maoists and communists take advantage of their plight and include them in their group in their "struggle against India". Those naxalites are not even aware of what maoism and communism are. If the followers of an organization are ignorant enough not to know what the policy of that organization are, they can easily be wiped out. The tribals' struggle cannot be described as maoism. They are only against taking up forest lands by the government. In this case, recruitment of more tribals in civil and military services will wipe out terrorism in those areas. Each village headman should be gathered at the state capitals and they should be made accountable for all happenings in their villages. V.Sivagnanam, Kalpakkam
ReplyDeleteAll our perceptions about the maoist-naxal threat went wrong. The UP police have arrested four CRPF personnel for selling arms and ammunition to the terrorists. One of the policemen was hiding a huge armoury. All the newspapers and channels have failed to smell the inner moles in the police force. More than maoists-naxals, these criminal policemen should be treated as terrorists and no time should be wasted in eliminating them. They should have been tried by a military court and shot dead by now. That is the only answer for antinational activities of securitymen and diplomatic people (Ms.Gupta of Indian embassy in Pakistan). Sivagnanam, Kalpakkam.
ReplyDeleteBunch of fools monkeying around sharing gibberish dunno what more to type, all deserve bullets if they don't stop what they are doing. Naxals kill and Arundati justifies killing and claims its the war against CORPORATES.
ReplyDeleteshe too is a naxalite