1. From the top of which mountain did Hanuman leap for Lanka? Mt. Mahendra
2. When Hanuman forgot his powers as fated, who reminded him of them? Jambuvan
3. Whom did Hanuman mistake for Sita in Lanka? Mandodari
4. Hanuman hid on which tree in Ashok Vatika? Sinsapa
5. Which son of Ravana was killed by Hanuman during his 1st visit to Lanka? Akshaya
6. Who had presented the gem to Sita , which she sent back with Hanuman for Sri Rama? Janaka
7. Who sent Hanuman to bring Sanjeevani? Susena
8. Who felled Hanuman while he was returning back after bringing Sanjeevani? Bharata
9. What name was given to Krishna when he acted as a charioteer for Arjun? Parthasarathi
10. Who accompanied Yudhisthir on his last journey? A dog
11. Who was Abhimanyu’s son? Parikshit
12.In Mahabharata, who was initially given the nameVasusena as he was born with
With radiance and later came to be known by another name? Karna