Monday, December 30, 2024
The story of Gajendra Moksha
Friday, December 27, 2024
Sukanya – The Dedicated Princess
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए स्क्रॉल डाउन करें
Sukanya – The Dedicated Princess
Long ago, there lived a kind and just king named Sharyaati, who had many daughters. Though he showered all of them with a lot of love and affection, he was particularly fond of Princess Sukanya. Apart from being as beautiful as her sisters, Sukanya was also wise and well-mannered.
One day, all the princesses went to the forest to see the lake. There was a huge anthill near the lake with two lights glowing through two holes on it. A strange sight indeed! Princess Sukanya was so intrigued. She thought the lights were two flies or glow worms and decided to catch them. She poked her fingers through the holes. At once there was a loud cry and then blood started oozing from there. The princess was horrified and ran away in fear.
She hurriedly made her way back to her father’s court but when she reached there, Sukanya was startled to see that most of the courtiers were suddenly suffering from severe pain in the eyes. She guessed that there must be a connection between the strange event she had witnessed in the forest and what was happening in the court. She quickly narrated the entire incident to her father.
King Sharyaati immediately rushed to the forest. The anthill was, as the princess had described it, only there he also saw a sage within it. The lights had been his glowing eyes, and now they were oozing blood. The King realised that his beloved child had unintentionally blinded a meditating hermit. He immediately fell at the feet of the sage, beseeching him to take back the curse on his courtiers and to forgive his daughter.
The sage was none other than the famed Chyavana Rishi and he replied that he had not cursed anyone. The courtiers were just reaping the fruits of his daughter’s actions. The king proposed to look after him. The sage declined and said that he would need only the service of his daughter.
Sharyaati was in a dilemma. He could not let his citizens suffer for a mistake the princess had committed. At the same time, how could he let his young daughter come and live in the forest with the sage!
Sukanya intervened and solved his problem. She wanted to take the responsibility for her actions. She proclaimed that she would marry Chyavana Rishi and remain by his side. Immediately the courtiers were relieved from the pain in their eyes. The young princess married the blind sage as per her vow.
Sukanya lived with the sage with utmost kindness and sincerity. One day, the young and handsome celestial twins, the Ashwini Kumaras spotted young Sukanya. They were charmed by her youth and beauty and asked her to live with them instead of that blind and old ascetic. Sukanya was furious with the twins and angrily replied that she was a loyal wife and would never dream of leaving her husband.
The Ashwini Kumaras were chastised and offered to restore the vision and youth of her husband. Sukanya was ecstatic hearing those words. But the twins added one tricky condition to their offer of rejuvenation. They said they would take a dip in the river along with Chyavana Rishi and all three of them would emerge from the waters looking identical. If Sukanya identified her husband, his youth and vitality would stay with him forever. Sukanya agreed to their condition and informed her husband about this proposal.
So Chyavana Rishi and Sukanya went with the Ashwini Kumaras to the river. Then two young celestial twins and one aged man entered the water. When they emerged they were all young, handsome and identical. All the three claimed to be the real Chyavana. Sukanya looked from one to the other and could see no difference whatsoever.
She closed her eyes and prayed to Goddess Durga to help her identify her husband. The Goddess told her that celestial beings never blink. With a smile, Sukanya opened her eyes and observed the three young men in front of her. Only one young man blinked. Sukanya easily recognised her husband now.
The Ashwini Kumaras blessed the happy couple and returned to their abode.
बहुत समय पहले, शर्याति नाम का एक दयालु और न्यायप्रिय राजा रहता था, जिसकी कई बेटियाँ थीं। हालाँकि वह उन सभी को बहुत प्यार और स्नेह देता था, लेकिन वह राजकुमारी सुकन्या से विशेष रूप से प्यार करता था। अपनी बहनों की तरह सुंदर होने के अलावा, सुकन्या बुद्धिमान और संस्कारी भी थी। एक दिन, सभी राजकुमारियाँ झील देखने के लिए जंगल में गईं। झील के पास एक बहुत बड़ा चींटी का टीला था, जिसके दो छेदों से दो रोशनियाँ चमक रही थीं। वाकई एक अजीब नजारा! राजकुमारी सुकन्या बहुत हैरान थी। उसने सोचा कि ये रोशनियाँ दो मक्खियाँ या चमकते कीड़े हैं और उन्हें पकड़ने का फैसला किया। उसने अपनी उंगलियाँ छेदों में डालीं। एक बार ज़ोर से चीख निकली और फिर वहाँ से खून बहने लगा। राजकुमारी भयभीत हो गई और डर के मारे भाग गई। वह जल्दी से अपने पिता के दरबार में वापस चली गई लेकिन जब वह वहाँ पहुँची, तो सुकन्या यह देखकर चौंक गई कि अधिकांश दरबारियों की आँखों में अचानक तेज़ दर्द हो रहा था। उसने अनुमान लगाया कि जंगल में जो कुछ उसने देखा था और दरबार में जो कुछ हो रहा था, उसके बीच अवश्य ही कोई संबंध है। उसने जल्दी से पूरी घटना अपने पिता को बता दी।
राजा शर्याति तुरंत जंगल की ओर दौड़े। चींटी का टीला, जैसा कि राजकुमारी ने बताया था, वहाँ उन्होंने एक ऋषि को भी देखा। रोशनी उनकी चमकती हुई आँखें थीं, और अब उनमें से खून बह रहा था। राजा को एहसास हुआ कि उनकी प्यारी बेटी ने अनजाने में एक ध्यानमग्न साधु को अंधा कर दिया है। वह तुरंत ऋषि के चरणों में गिर पड़ा और उनसे अपने दरबारियों पर से श्राप वापस लेने और अपनी बेटी को माफ़ करने की विनती की।
ऋषि कोई और नहीं बल्कि प्रसिद्ध च्यवन ऋषि थे और उन्होंने उत्तर दिया कि उन्होंने किसी को श्राप नहीं दिया है। दरबारी तो बस उनकी बेटी के कर्मों का फल भोग रहे थे। राजा ने उसकी देखभाल करने का प्रस्ताव रखा। ऋषि ने मना कर दिया और कहा कि उन्हें केवल अपनी बेटी की सेवा की आवश्यकता होगी।
शर्याति दुविधा में थे। वह अपने नागरिकों को राजकुमारी द्वारा की गई गलती के लिए पीड़ित नहीं होने दे सकते थे। साथ ही, वह अपनी छोटी बेटी को ऋषि के साथ जंगल में रहने कैसे दे सकता था!
सुकन्या ने हस्तक्षेप किया और उसकी समस्या का समाधान किया। वह अपने कार्यों की जिम्मेदारी लेना चाहती थी। उसने घोषणा की कि वह च्यवन ऋषि से विवाह करेगी और उनके साथ रहेगी। दरबारियों को तुरंत अपनी आँखों की पीड़ा से राहत मिली। युवा राजकुमारी ने अपनी प्रतिज्ञा के अनुसार अंधे ऋषि से विवाह किया।
सुकन्या ऋषि के साथ अत्यंत दयालुता और ईमानदारी से रहती थी। एक दिन, युवा और सुंदर दिव्य जुड़वाँ अश्विनी कुमारों ने युवा सुकन्या को देखा। वे उसकी जवानी और सुंदरता से मोहित हो गए और उससे उस अंधे और बूढ़े तपस्वी के बजाय उनके साथ रहने के लिए कहा। सुकन्या जुड़वाँ बच्चों पर क्रोधित हुई और गुस्से में जवाब दिया कि वह एक वफादार पत्नी है और अपने पति को छोड़ने का कभी सपना भी नहीं देखेगी।
अश्विनी कुमारों को डांटा गया और उसके पति की दृष्टि और युवावस्था को बहाल करने की पेशकश की। सुकन्या उन शब्दों को सुनकर खुश हुई। लेकिन जुड़वाँ बच्चों ने कायाकल्प की अपनी पेशकश में एक मुश्किल शर्त जोड़ दी। उन्होंने कहा कि वे च्यवन ऋषि के साथ नदी में डुबकी लगाएंगे और तीनों एक जैसे दिखेंगे। यदि सुकन्या अपने पति को पहचान लेगी, तो उसकी जवानी और जीवन शक्ति हमेशा उसके साथ रहेगी। सुकन्या ने उनकी शर्त मान ली और अपने पति को इस प्रस्ताव के बारे में बताया।
इसलिए च्यवन ऋषि और सुकन्या अश्विनी कुमारों के साथ नदी पर गए। फिर दो युवा दिव्य जुड़वाँ और एक वृद्ध व्यक्ति पानी में उतरे। जब वे बाहर निकले तो वे सभी युवा, सुंदर और एक जैसे दिख रहे थे। तीनों ने असली च्यवन होने का दावा किया। सुकन्या ने एक-दूसरे की ओर देखा और कुछ भी अंतर नहीं देखा।
उसने अपनी आँखें बंद कीं और देवी दुर्गा से अपने पति को पहचानने में मदद करने के लिए प्रार्थना की। देवी ने उसे बताया कि दिव्य प्राणी कभी पलक नहीं झपकाते। एक मुस्कान के साथ, सुकन्या ने अपनी आँखें खोलीं और अपने सामने तीन युवकों को देखा। केवल एक युवक ने पलक झपकाई। सुकन्या ने अब आसानी से अपने पति को पहचान लिया।
अश्विनी कुमारों ने खुश जोड़े को आशीर्वाद दिया और अपने निवास पर लौट आए।
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Waqf Act 1995
Posted on X by The Chronology@ The chronology__
Waqf Act 1995
Today we will talk about the most beautiful creation of Congress (For Muslims)
Congress gave 40% of Indian land to Muslims in 1947 but they were not satisfied with 40% so they brought Waqf Act
Let's talk about its wonderful provisions
Hold ur seats
Yes such act exists in a secular country. Even no muslim country has such an act.
What is the waqf system ?
Its a part of muslim brotherhood charity system.
Suppose Ahmed is 80 year old. He has two flats. Before death he wants to donate 1 flat for qaum so he donated 1 flat to waqf
As he donated now that property belongs to Allah. Waqf board is not owner but caretaker of that flat and they can use that flat for Muslim school, hostel, community hall or any for Muslims
So Waqf is property of Allah donated for charity for Muslims.
This was the actual meaning
But this meaning changed with time
In 1947 Hindus left their land in Pakistan and came to India and Muslims left their land in India and went to Pakistan
Pak confiscated all land of Hindus in Pakistan and gave that land to Muslims and government of India did the opposite.
They said no Hindu will touch land of Muslims who went to Pakistan .
Nehru collected all that land and gave to waqf.
Waqf board 1954 act was not as draconian but the real change came in 1995
Congress leader and PM PV Narsimha Rao brought Waqf act 1995 and gave them unlimited powers to acquire lands.
Lets talk abt the provisions of waqf act:
Section 3 (R)
What is Waqf - any property for any purpose recognised by the Muslim law as pious, religious or charitable.
So according to Muslim law (not Indian law) if they think that land is religious for muslim that becomes Waqf
So suppose u purchased a land from Ramesh in 2010 and Ramesh purchased that land from Salim in 1965 then waqf board can claim that in 1964 Salim gave that land to waqf and now that is their land.
Now what you can do ?
You cant go to court. You have to go to State Waqf Board!
What is waqf board ?
In India there is a central waqf board and 32 state waqf boards.
Waqf board is a committee of govt appointed 7 Muslims.
Congress brought temple act and captured all temples and said a non Hindu can also become member of temple board but thea Same congress brought waqf act, kept them autonomous and made law- no non Muslim can become part of waqf board.
Waqf board have a surveyor who kept surveying all lands and if he thinks any property belong to waqf they can issue notice.
Section 4 gives unlimited powers to the surveyor
Waqf is headed by a CEO who must be Muslim. Section 28 gives power to waqf CEO to order the collector.
So as you get notice, you have to take all drawings, registry, papers and have to run to Waqf board to convince them it's your land
(Same board who sent u notice)
Now comes the most wonderful section of waqf act : Section 40
Whether its ur land or waqf land it will be decided by waqf board and their decision will be final
Waqf is police
Waqf is lawyer
Waqf is judge
If you could not satisfy Waqf that its your land and you have been asked to vacate your land. You cant go to court
You have to go to waqf tribunal court.
There are only 1-2 courts in every state. So you have to go the capital and will have to file your case there
Section 83 is about tribunal
Tribunal will have 2 judges (no religion specified) and one eminent muslim. You fought your case in tribunal and suppose you lost your case since tribunal also have their member then what are the options for you and here comes one more bomb in section 85..
Section 85 says tribunal decision is final
No civil court (Supreme court, High court) can change the order of tribunal court
Though later this clause was stuck down by Supreme Court in a Rajasthan case in May 2022
SC said no court is superior than us and we can interfere in any decision.
Let's talk abt some more gems from waqf act
Section 54 and 55
If waqf board think that your land is their land then Waqf can declare you encroacher and order DM, SDM to remove you and they have to follow their orders
In 2005, UP waqf board claimed on Taj Mahal against ASI though they lost case in Supreme Court
They used provisions of Waqf act in Gyanvapi case also but there they also lost.
Question is powerful people can hire costly lawyer and can go to Supreme court but what about common man?
In Tamil Nadu waqf claimed an entire village.
Where waqf claimed that its not their responsibility to prove . It is the responsibility of victim to prove.
Question is how there can be a religious act in a secular country
1. Why there is no such act for Hindu, Christion and Sikh and only for Muslim ?
2. If a Christian, Sikh, Jain encroach a Hindu land or vica versa then they have to go civil court but if a Muslim encroaches the land of Hindu or any other religion then they have to go waqf tribunal.
Why this privilege to only one religion ?
Due to this draconian act, Waqf has become the richest body of India with 7 lac acre property and a market value of 12 lac crore
Waqf rents their land and earns crore of rupees which is used for their religious upliftment, fighting cases etc.
Government also provides them financial supports.
You can read entire Waqf act 95 on Indian Kanoon website or minority ministry website
important sections : 3(r), 4,6,7,11,19,23, 23,29,30,40,77,83,85,99
Salary and allowance is provided to waqf members by waqf fund.
Waqf have administrative, supervisory n judicial powers but execution power is still with collector, DM and Police that arr mostly Hindus.
But as demography change happens in IAS, IPS also then waqf act will become 10 times more lethal.
Waqf act is violation of article 14 of the Indian Constitution.
Indian constitution doesn't allow any act that is religious and encroach right of other religions
In 1995, Congress indirectly gave India to one community by a blank cheque.
Waqf Act is that blank cheque
Amend Waqf Act 1995 now
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
2 questions asked by children during Dipawali
Read in English after the Hindi version
अधिकतर घरों में बच्चे यह दो प्रश्न अवश्य पूछते हैं जब दीपावली भगवान राम के 14 वर्ष के वनवास से अयोध्या लौटने की खुशी में मनाई जाती है तो दीपावली पर लक्ष्मी पूजन क्यों होता है? राम और सीता की पूजा क्यों नही?
दूसरा यह कि दीपावली पर लक्ष्मी जी के साथ गणेश जी की पूजा क्यों होती है, विष्णु भगवान की क्यों नहीं?
इन प्रश्नों का उत्तर अधिकांशतः बच्चों को नहीं मिल पाता और जो मिलता है उससे बच्चे संतुष्ट नहीं हो पाते।आज की शब्दावली के अनुसार कुछ ‘लिबरर्ल्स लोग’ युवाओं और बच्चों के मस्तिष्क में यह प्रश्न डाल रहें हैं कि लक्ष्मी पूजन का औचित्य क्या है, जबकि दीपावली का उत्सव राम से जुड़ा हुआ है। *कुल मिलाकर वह बच्चों का ब्रेनवॉश कर रहे हैं कि सनातन धर्म और सनातन त्यौहारों का आपस में कोई तारतम्य नहीं है।सनातन धर्म बेकार है।*
*आप घर के बच्चों को इन प्रश्नों के सही उत्तर बतायें।*
दीपावली का उत्सव दो युग, सतयुग और त्रेता युग से जुड़ा हुआ है। सतयुग में समुद्र मंथन से माता लक्ष्मी उस दिन प्रगट हुई थी इसलिए लक्ष्मीजी का पूजन होता है। भगवान राम भी त्रेता युग में इसी दिन अयोध्या लौटे थे तो अयोध्या वासियों ने घर घर दीपमाला जलाकर उनका स्वागत किया था इसलिए इसका नाम दीपावली है।अत: इस पर्व के दो नाम है लक्ष्मी पूजन जो सतयुग से जुड़ा है दूजा दीपावली जो त्रेता युग प्रभु राम और दीपों से जुड़ा है।
*लक्ष्मी गणेश का आपस में क्या रिश्ता है?*
*और दीवाली पर इन दोनों की पूजा क्यों होती है?*
लक्ष्मी जी सागर मन्थन में मिलीं, भगवान विष्णु ने उनसे विवाह किया और उन्हें सृष्टि की धन और ऐश्वर्य की देवी बनाया गया। लक्ष्मी जी ने धन बाँटने के लिए कुबेर को अपने साथ रखा। कुबेर बड़े ही कंजूस थे, वे धन बाँटते ही नहीं थे।वे खुद धन के भंडारी बन कर बैठ गए। माता लक्ष्मी खिन्न हो गईं, उनकी सन्तानों को कृपा नहीं मिल रही थी। उन्होंने अपनी व्यथा भगवान विष्णु को बताई। भगवान विष्णु ने कहा कि तुम कुबेर के स्थान पर किसी अन्य को धन बाँटने का काम सौंप दो। माँ लक्ष्मी बोली कि यक्षों के राजा कुबेर मेरे परम भक्त हैं उन्हें बुरा लगेगा।
तब भगवान विष्णु ने उन्हें गणेश जी की विशाल बुद्धि को प्रयोग करने की सलाह दी। माँ लक्ष्मी ने गणेश जी को भी कुबेर के साथ बैठा दिया। गणेश जी ठहरे महाबुद्धिमान। वे बोले, माँ, मैं जिसका भी नाम बताऊँगा , उस पर आप कृपा कर देना, कोई किंतु परन्तु नहीं। माँ लक्ष्मी ने हाँ कर दी।अब गणेश जी लोगों के सौभाग्य के विघ्न, रुकावट को दूर कर उनके लिए धनागमन के द्वार खोलने लगे।कुबेर भंडारी देखते रह गए, गणेश जी कुबेर के भंडार का द्वार खोलने वाले बन गए। गणेश जी की भक्तों के प्रति ममता कृपा देख माँ लक्ष्मी ने अपने मानस पुत्र श्रीगणेश को आशीर्वाद दिया कि जहाँ वे अपने पति नारायण के सँग ना हों, वहाँ उनका पुत्रवत गणेश उनके साथ रहें।
*दीवाली आती है कार्तिक अमावस्या को, भगवान विष्णु उस समय योगनिद्रा में होते हैं, वे जागते हैं ग्यारह दिन बाद देव उठनी एकादशी को।* माँ लक्ष्मी को पृथ्वी भ्रमण करने आना होता है शरद पूर्णिमा से दीवाली के बीच के पन्द्रह दिनों में।इसलिए वे अपने सँग ले आती हैं अपने मानस पुत्र गणेश जी को।
इसलिए दीवाली को लक्ष्मी गणेश की पूजा होती है।
यह कैसी विडंबना है कि देश और हिंदुओ के सबसे बड़े त्यौहार का पाठ्यक्रम में कोई विस्तृत वर्णन नही है और जो वर्णन है वह अधूरा है।इस लेख को पढ़ कर स्वयं भी लाभान्वित हों और अपनी अगली पीढ़ी को भी बतायें।
*दूसरों के साथ साझा करना भी ना भूलेंI।*
In most of the houses, children do ask these two questions. When Deepawali is celebrated to celebrate the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile, then why is Lakshmi Pujan done on Deepawali? Why are Ram and Sita not worshipped?
Secondly, why is Ganesh Ji worshipped along with Lakshmi Ji on Deepawali and not Lord Vishnu?
Most of the children do not get the answer to these questions and whatever they get, they are not satisfied with it. According to today's terminology, some 'liberals' are putting this question in the minds of youth and children that what is the justification of Lakshmi Pujan, whereas the festival of Deepawali is connected to Ram. *Overall, they are brainwashing the children that there is no connection between Sanatan Dharma and Sanatan festivals. Sanatan Dharma is useless.*
*Tell the children of your house the correct answers to these questions.*
The festival of Deepawali is associated with two eras, Satyayug and Treta Yug. In Satyug, Goddess Lakshmi appeared on that day from the churning of the ocean, so Lakshmiji is worshipped. When Lord Rama also returned to Ayodhya on this day in Treta Yug, the people of Ayodhya welcomed him by lighting lamps in every house, so it is called Deepawali. Hence, this festival has two names - Lakshmi Pujan which is associated with Satyug and Duja Deepawali which is associated with Treta Yug Lord Rama and lamps.
*What is the relationship between Lakshmi and Ganesh?*
*And why are both of them worshipped on Diwali?*
Lakshmi ji was found in Sagar manthan, Lord Vishnu married her and she was made the goddess of wealth and prosperity of the universe. Lakshmi ji kept Kuber with her to distribute the wealth. Kuber was very miserly, he did not distribute wealth at all. He himself became the treasurer of wealth. Mother Lakshmi became upset, her children were not getting blessings. He told his sorrow to Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu said that you should give the task of distributing wealth to someone else instead of Kuber. Mother Lakshmi said that Kuber, the king of Yakshas, is my greatest devotee and he will feel bad.
Then Lord Vishnu advised her to use the vast intellect of Ganesh Ji. Maa Lakshmi made Ganesh Ji sit with Kuber. Ganesh Ji was very intelligent. He said, Maa, please shower your blessings on anyone whose name I will tell you, no ifs and buts. Maa Lakshmi said yes. Now Ganesh Ji started removing the obstacles and hindrances of people's good fortune and opening the doors of wealth for them. Kuber Bhandaari kept watching, Ganesh Ji became the one to open the doors of Kuber's treasury. Seeing Ganesh Ji's affection towards his devotees, Maa Lakshmi blessed her son Shri Ganesh that wherever she is not with her husband Narayan, her son-like Ganesh should stay with her.
* Diwali comes on Kartik Amavasya, Lord Vishnu is in Yognidra at that time, he wakes up after eleven days on Dev Uthani Ekadashi.* Maa Lakshmi has to visit the earth in the fifteen days between Sharad Purnima and Diwali. That is why she brings her son Ganesh Ji with her.
That is why Lakshmi Ganesha is worshipped on Diwali.
What an irony it is that there is no detailed description of the biggest festival of the country and Hindus in the syllabus and the description that is there is incomplete. Read this article and benefit yourself and tell your next generation too.
*Don't forget to share it with others.*