The child is the centre of all our aspirations. He is the protector of our country, Dharma (Religion) and culture. The development of our culture and civilization is implicit in the development of the child’s personality. A child today holds the key for tomorrow. To relate the child with his land and his ancestors is the direct, clear and unambiguous mandate for education. We have to achieve the all round development of the child through education and sanskar i.e. inculcation of time honoured values and traditions.
A large majority of Indians live in more than 6 lakh villages; 3 crore in slum colonies and under-privilege localities and 5 crore in jungles and hilly terrains in clusters of small villages. After Six decades of independence, the economic & social condition of the vast population of the country has not altered much for want of proper educational facilities and other development measures to be made available there.
Political Independence has dawned but there is educational social & economic darkness there with the result that there is continuous exodus of villagers towards cities.
Vidya Bharati has given first priority to lit the lamps of literacy & start other projects of economic & social upliftment of the ignored & neglected more than three-fourth of the population of this sub-continent. There are 6219 schools functioning in villages; 583 in under-privileged localities & 830 in tribal areas. During the Six decades of post-independence, Vidya Bharati is the first to reach these unreached remote areas.
About 24,300 institutions are being run by Vidya Bharati where 30,02,820 lakh students under the able guidance of 1,30,278 teachers attain sanskars and education. This nationwide Endeavour of Vidya Bharati for the spread of education through net work of educational institutions creates a healthy environment for all round development of Children i.e. physical culture mental, emotional and spiritual development.
Aim & Objects
To develop a National System of Education which would help to build a generation of youngmen and women that is :- • committed to Hindutva and infused with patriotic fervour, • fully developed physically, vitally, mentally and spiritually, • capable of successfully facing challenges of day to day life-situations. • dedicated to the service of our those brothers and sisters who live in villages, forests, caves and slums and are deprived and destitute, so that they are liberated from the shackles of social evils and injustice, and • thus devoted, may contribute to building up a harmonious, prosperous and culturally rich Nation.
Activities of Vidya Bharati:
Vidya Bharati creates a fusion of Education, Nationalism, Physical health, Dharma, Indian music, sports and Physical Education. Stress is also given to Yoga while focussing on Promoting literacy in urban, rural, tribal, & slum areas .
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