Thursday, November 23, 2023

Was battery invention before the modern era?

Was battery invention before the modern era? Mentions of current and Battery in Hindu Scriptures 

The first battery was created by Alessandro Volta in 1800, and the dry cell was later developed by Carl Gassner in 1886. 

दिलचस्प बात यह है कि, यह ध्यान देने योग्य है कि बैटरी की अवधारणा का उल्लेख हजारों साल पहले प्राचीन ग्रंथों में किया गया था।

Indeed, you read correctly. The concept of a fully functional cell is documented in the "Agastya Samhita," authored by the revered sage, Rishi Agastya, who is known for contributing hymns to the Rigveda. He has also been mentioned several time in Ramayan and Mahabharat. He also invented the grammar of the Tamil language. It is said that Bhagawan Shiva himself taught him Tamil. This Agastya samhita scripture predates the Vedic period, offering insights into advanced knowledge, including the idea of a functional cell.

According to the Rasayan scripts of Agastya Samhita-

संस्थाप्य मृण्मये पात्रे ताम्रपत्रं सुसंस्कृतम्‌।

छादयेच्छिखिग्रीवेन चार्दाभि: काष्ठापांसुभि:॥ 

दस्तालोष्टो निधात्वय: पारदाच्छादितस्तत:। 

संयोगाज्जायते तेजो मित्रावरुणसंज्ञितम्‌॥  

एक मिट्टी का बर्तन (earthen pot) लें, उसमें अच्छी प्रकार से साफ किया गया ताम्रपत्र और शिखिग्रीवा (मोर के गर्दन के रंग जैसा पदार्थ अर्थात् copper sulphate) डालें। फिर उस बर्तन को लकड़ी के गीले बुरादे से भर दें। उसके बाद लकड़ी के गीले बुरादे के ऊपर पारा से आच्छादित दस्त लोष्ट (mercury-amalgamated zinc sheet) रखे। इस प्रकार दोनों के संयोग से अर्थात् तारों के द्वारा जोड़ने पर मित्रावरुणशक्ति (current) की उत्पत्ति होगी।

Subsequently, an engineer named Rao Saheb Krishnaji Vajhe, along with Mr. Hole, actualized the concept by creating a cell based on the above provided instructions. Upon testing, this cell exhibited an open circuit voltage of 1.138 volts and a short circuit current of 23 mA. Mitra and varuna can be pictured as modern day anodes and cathodes. 

अनेन जलभंगोस्ति प्राणो दानेषु वायुषु। 

एवं शतानां कुंभानांसंयोगकार्यकृत्स्मृत:॥

सौ कुम्भों (if 100 such earthen pot get connected in a series) की शक्ति का पानी में प्रयोग करने पर पानी अपना रूप बदल कर प्राणवायु (oxygen) और उदानवायु (हाइड्रोजन) में परिवर्तित हो जाएगा।

Above shlokas gives a proper definition for a battery of today's world. He didn’t stop here. Also please note it down that the terms like pranvayu (life-gas and udanvayu got mentioned by Rishi Agasta. He also said-

उदान वायु (हाइड्रोजन) को बन्धक वस्त्र (air tight cloth) द्वारा निबद्ध किया जाए तो वह विमान विद्या (aerodynamics) के लिए प्रयुक्त किया जा सकता है।

This means that our Rishis didn’t only made battery, they had ideas about current.

Courtesy Hathyogi on X 

#AncientIndia #Science

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